RPG ESSENTIALS: Acrylic Creature Tokens for TTRPGs
Created by Darryl Jones
Hundreds of unique monster tokens for use in your fantasy games! If you missed out on the Kickstarter you still have the options to get some of our items at reduced prices!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Thanks to Everyone for Adding to their Pledges and Still Waiting
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 09:47:34 PM
We are one step closer to the finish line.
Credit cards have been charged and preorders locked.
One of my friends suggested I share some new details about you, my backers. After the campaign ended, 83 of you placed a late pledge on Backerkit. Additionally, 27% of backers added on to their pledge. These numbers are humbling and overwhelming. Thank you for the amazing support. While the acrylic tiles are not going to make it in time for Christmas, they should be ready for fulfillment in Q1 of next year.
Still Waiting for Manufacturing
As mentioned in the last update, the manufacturer has taken more time than originally planned. For a recap, they messed up the colors from the last set due to them switching to a new machine. Also, the 3,000 + binders have been more time-consuming than common tabletop components. While I have been in communication with them, the manufacturing is going to take time and has to run its course. I can assure you that they are working on the project, and I hope to give you more details in the future soon.
Dark Matter
I realized some tokens haven't been shown to you yet. Enjoy:
Monsters of Dark Matter.
Thank You All,
Darryl T. Jones (aka Splattered Ink)
Backerkit Add-ons & Preorders: Credit Cards Have Been Charged
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Oct 06, 2023 at 10:09:42 PM
Hello Adventurers!
Looks like things have gone off without a hitch. Backerkit is processing your payments for Add-ons and Preorders. To be clear: these charges are only for add-ons and orders placed after the Kickstarter closed. It was pointed out that I wasn't very clear about that in the last update. Sorry about that.
Gamehole Con
Come see me at Gamehole Con! I have a booth this year. I'm super excited and a bit nervous too. I'm running some sessions of Seed of Decay. You can find those sessions here > Seeds of Decay at Gamehole Con
Backerkit Closing on October 16 for Add-ons and Preorders
Backerkit is closing on October 16. If you want to add anything to your orders please do so prior to that date. After that date, you'll only be able to order tokens from my website at retail pricing. Once Backerkit is closed, it is go time.
After the 16th you'll still be able to manage your shipping address and payment method.
Shipping charges will be finalized in November if there are no additional delays. Shortly after that, those amounts will be added to your Backerkit survey.
Charging Card and Backerkit Closing
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 10:43:08 AM
Credit Cards Charged on October 6th
Hey guys! This update is a short one as I just want to remind you that the credit cards are set to charge on October 6. Sorry, for any inconvenience that moving the date back may have caused. The process of charging cards and moving along other aspects of the campaign goes way smoother when a great majority of backers have their surveys completed.
Backerkit closing on October 16
Backerkit is closing on October 16. If you want to add anything to your orders please do so prior to that date. After that date, you'll only be able to order tokens from my website at retail pricing. Once Backerkit is closed, it is go time.
Updated Delivery Date
A few of you have asked if we are on schedule. Unfortunately, we are not. I am waiting on a new set of sample proofs from the manufacturer. The colors were wrong in the last set. The volume we're making is printed on a different machine than the pre-Kickstarter samples. Additionally, the over 3,000 binders we need to make are more time-consuming than some of the more common tabletop game components. It looks like delivery will be in the first quarter of 2024. I'll be more specific when I can be. But rest assured, you're going to have an amazing product when these are done.
For those who had in mind to give these as a Christmas present, I will design a gift certificate that you can print. I'll include that in a future update.
Thank you all for the amazing support,
Darryl T. Jones
Before you go, check out this coolDeck of Many Things project form Hit Point Press:
Which cards will you draw?
The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things: An Oracle for Risk and Reward is an oracle deck based on the fifth edition deck of many things. Beautifully illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani, these cards are perfect for asking yourself challenging questions and prompting reflection.
The deck can also be used as a 5e compatible deck of many things.
Gen Con Recap and Charging Cards
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 08:05:20 PM
The sun is getting real low,
As summer comes to a close, I must take a moment to appreciate how amazing it is that I get to work in an industry I truly love. I also appreciate the moments I got to share with gamers and fans. Of course, I'm talking about GenCon, which was amazing, as usual. All the games I ran were sold out and we had a blast. I was able to show off some of the tokens and people were blown away by the art and the quality of the acrylic tokens. I can't wait for them to get in all of your hands at the end of this year.
Tokens used in a live game at GenCon. I probably should've taken more photos, but when you're in the moment, the focus is on the game!
You might recognize Luke, from the DM lair and Hos, the Dungeon Scribe in this photo!
Luke was stunned by how good the tokens looked.
Date Set for Charging Credit Cards
As mentioned in the last post, charging the credit cards was postponed for Backerkit orders and add-ons. This was due to more than 10% of backers not completing their surveys. I happy to announce that there are less than 10% of incomplete surveys, so we are ready to charge everyone’s credit cards! Credit cards will be charged on October 6th.
Still Complete Those Surveys
Even though we have crossed the threshold needed to charge credit cards, there are still some of you who have not completed your surveys yet. Please complete those as soon as possible. Having those surveys completed will make sure that everything will go as smoothly as it can. I want to ensure that getting the tokens to you will go off without a hitch!
I can't wait for you to be able to use these tokens in your RPG session by the end of the year!
-Darryl T. Jones (aka splatteredink)
Important - Charging Cards via Backerkit Postponed
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 03:34:44 PM
Hello Adventurers!
I hope you're having a good summer. It's flying by for sure. It's hard to believe that it is less than a month until GenCon. I'll be there running some games and showing some of these tokens. GenCon just approved 2 more of my games, so if you missed tickets from the first batch 12 more are coming. Make sure you follow my socials to hear as soon as those tickets become available. You can also keep your eyes on this page: https://www.gencon.com/event_finder?search=splattered+ink&c=indy2023 to see when they go live.
The reason for today's message is twofold.
1 - Our progress is on track and everything is going as planned. Although, there was a slight delay with the samples I requested from the manufacturer, it was resolved quickly. The original delivery date should not be affected.
2 - I have made the decision to postpone the charging of credit cards for Backerkit orders and add-ons. At present, more than 10% of backers have not completed their surveys, therefore, I will delay the card charging process.
Finish Your Survey As Soon As You Can
We're not quite to 90% completion on surveys. If you haven't completed your Backerkit survey, please do. I want to be over 90%, ideally 95%, before I finalize numbers with our manufacturer. Additionally, if your order includes token sets, please ensure that you have selected your preferred sets. It's crucial to double-check that you've completed this step.
Orders have been locked for those who have completed their survey. Thank you! If for some reason you need to edit it, you can contact me.
Custom Tokens
Most of you who ordered a custom token have reached out to me. Thank you! I'll be wrapping those up next month.
A Project I Love!
Hos, the Dungeon Scribe has become one of my favorite people in the TTRPG industry. I'm honored to call him a friend. Look for us to be collaborating more in the future, but until then, you have to check out his new project!
Unlock stories that will forge lasting moments with Dungeon Scribe’s - Tome of Magical Oddities, a 5e Supplement.
Dazzled your tables with over 500 uniquely illustrated magic items, directly tied to cards and handouts for ease of table play.
Enjoy massive cards crafted specifically for ease of reading and featuring quick reference icons.